Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Moving to 1 John 4...7-21-08

So 1 John 3 has been completed and thus 1 John 4 is now going to be attacked. Here are my condensed notes from this study session. Please understand that some of the stuff that was said I couldn't take notes on as I didn't know where to put them. There is also an 18 page dissertation written by the guy that leads the study about 1 John 4 that I am going to ask if I can publish on this blog, it is an insane read and quite informative!

Again, my head is spinning 1/2 the time with the amount of history and Scripture that is being cross referenced, supported and juxtaposed at the time and I try my best to capture the essence of it all. I am getting better but just bear with me for a little while.

1) 1 Jn 4:1-6

a) Test- “diakresis”. Literally, “discernment”

i) This is about the authentication of teaching.

ii) Not specifically about revelations.

iii) John’s churches not as charismatic at Paul’s churches.

(1) Glossalia, etc.

iv) John is the last remaining apostle.

(1) He wants to make sure the authority he has is passed down in the correct manner.

b) The hierarchy of authority.

i) In the OT, Jewish priesthood was by birth in the correct family and correct tribe (Levites)

ii) In the NT, apostolic succession is outlined.

iii) OT has physical succession (fatheràson)

iv) NT has spiritual succession.

(1) The Gospel is passed down in this way. He Gospel will never take the place of Tradition, only be a part of it.

c) Three kinds of spirits.

i) Supernatural- God.

ii) Preternatural- (spirit world)- Devil and followers.

iii) Natural- the human heart.

(1) This one leans towards the prior two spirits.

d) 1 Corinthians 2:6

i) Speaks of a person that is beyond a child in faith but should be mature in their faith.

ii) “leaders” can mean both secular and spiritual leaders (Devil and fallen angels)

iii) This adds credence to “point b”

e) The discernment of heresies.

i) Those who deny the Incarnation of Christ must be denied and were not sent by God.

(1) Incarnation= Jesus Christ is truly 100% man and truly 100% divine.

ii) To water down Christ is a sign of the coming tribulation of the Anti Christ.

iii) Practical discernment

(1) Not speculative, not theoretical

(2) Knowing what Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium have to say, how do I address it in concrete terms?

f) The understanding of Tradition

i) Jewish Scripture

ii) Apostolic Succession

(1) The Mass

(a) Archaeologists have uncovered a house/church (house converted to a church) that is dated around AD 20.

(i) Hs a raised platform with altar, baptismal fountain, etc.

(b) AD 140, earliest written description of the Mass by Polycarp.

(2) Didache

(a) Earliest church fathers talking about how to perform certain rituals in the correct manner.

(b) Was considered for Canon of Scripture but was not placed into the Canon of Scripture (Third Council of Carthage, 397AD) it for various reasons. Instead, it is considered an important document held in parallel with the Bible.

(c) Written in 100AD, around the time of John.

So with that, I will depart and try to start some reading on stuff. Peace out for now!


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