Sunday, July 13, 2008

6-23-08 Bible Study

Ok, these are the notes from my first Bible study. I backdated this one so it will show up in the right place after the first post but before the second, but in reality it was written on 6-23-08.

Here we go.

1) 1 John 3

a) Full possession of the Spirit resides in the Church of Christ.

i) Chapter 2 reduces confusion.

ii) Let what you heard from the beginning stay with you.

(1) Beginnings of apostolic church

b) Heretics turned Christianity upside down

i) Have lost the Spirit

ii) Lose belief in the Father, you lose belief in the Son.

(1) To lose one is to lose all.

(2) Referred to as “pseudos”

iii) Apostasy (giving up Christianity) is worst form of intellectual sin

iv) Mental denial of Christ is the worst form of mental sin.

c) Point B and all applicable subpoints are considered part of “darkness”

d) People possessing the Spirit.

i) From the Church

ii) Biblically speaking

(1) Spirit is a special gift given for a specific mission

(2) Always given with anointing.

(3) Kings, priests, prophets and champions (special class of warrior)

(a) Spirit given to these people and then it left when the task was completed.

e) Prophets on the Messiah

i) Prophets speak clearly and specifically of the Messiah

ii) Messiah+Spirit=New Convenant.

iii) Jer 31:31 outlines New Covenant.

(1) 1 John 3 is saying that, based on Jeremiah, the moment you are baptized the Spirit is in you and you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

iv) Anything after Christ is irrelevant.

(1) Nothing new to be added.

(2) There are no new spins, no secret messages.

(3) Revelation can only become clearer, not anything new.

v) Joel 3- Reflection of the Spirit.

(1) Servants=Slaves.

f) Isiah 11

i) Jesse=father of David.

ii) “Stump of Jesse” since everything was conquered BUT the kingly line descended.

g) Luke 3

i) Moment of baptism, his mission begins.

ii) Through the sacraments, Jesus lives through us again and again.

h) Luke 4

i) Purgation, facing the devil.

ii) When temptation is finished, Luke 4:14 prefaces Like 4:21

(1) He is now the Messiah

iii) Jesus doesn’t convince friends.

i) Acts of the Apostles

i) It is after the Resurrection.

ii) Pentecost=50th (50th after Passover)

iii) Peter quotes Joel in Acts 2:17

(1) All prophets make sense when it converges upon Jesus.

j) Works of the Spirit

i) 1st work, purification of Mary

(1) Perfect vessel

(2) Mother was menopausal

ii) Conception of John the Baptist

(1) Brought about by Holy Spirit.

(2) Mother was menopausal as well.

(3) John points out the person (Jesus)

(4) None greater than John the Baptist, since he recognized the Savior.

iii) Difference between John and Mary

(1) Mary was CONCEIVED without sin

(2) John was BORN without sin.

iv) Birth of Jesus Christ

(1) Spirit filling you.

v) Check crappy graphic below to illustrate Spirit distribution.

k) Power of the Bishops.

i) “To retain sin” is to excommunicate, etc.

ii) Only bishops can elect bishops, pope, etc.

iii) Bishops control marriage and approve/disapprove of nearly everything below them.

(1) They meter out the Spirit.

iv) Have active teaching authority

(1) Articulate the teachings of the Church

v) Only bishops hold the Magisterium.

l) Power of the Lay people

i) Faithful and non-ordained have a passive teaching role

ii) “Sensus fidelium”

iii) We are given the spirit to hear the truth and RECOGNIZE it.

iv) We cannot in any aspect teach infallibly.

m) The Human Aspect

i) Bible

(1) It is human made but it is the Word of God.

ii) Sacraments

(1) Human and earthly, but convey the grace of God.

n) Infallibility

i) The WHOLE CHURCH is infallible.

ii) Manifested through the pope

(1) Mouth piece.

o) The Three Great Feasts Reflected in Old and New Testament

i) All the feasts in the Bible have an agricultural and a spiritual/historical facet to them

ii) Are mandatory Jewish feasts

iii) Women cannot prepare anything at all for these feasts by Mosaic law.

(1) Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover)

(a) Crops planted at this time

(b) Israelites freed from Egyptians

(2) Feast of the Grain Harvest (Pentecost weeks)

(a) 7x7+1(sacredness in numbers, since Pentecost=50)

(b) 1st grains coming in (little 1st fruits)

(c) Church is born on Pentecost (NT)

(d) Jewish people=People of God (OT)

(3) Feast of the Full Harvest (Booths/Tabernacles)

(a) Tabernacle means “tent” (like circus tent)

(b) End of year, full harvest.

(c) Commemorates day Josh went into Promised Land (OT)

(d) The Second Coming (NT)

(e) Can’t be celebrated since it has not happened.

iv) Reflection of the Three Harvests

(1) Christ has died

(2) Christ has risen

(3) Christ will come again

p) Heretics

i) Heresis means “to pick and choose”

ii) We must reject any teaching that seeks to add, subtract or modify the teachings of the Church.

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