Monday, August 18, 2008

Private reading notes 8-18-08

OK, here is another installment of the notes I have taken on the Bible, this time beginning with where I left off, at Romans.

Mind you, dear reader, these are not ALL of the notes, as I do have some questions about certain verses and I will need some more time in discerning their meaning.

Also, please take into consideration the fact that these notes are based on MY understanding and I may have missed the context of the passage in certain instances or not seen corollary passages as support, although I think I do a pretty fair job of conveying the general message.

Here we go.

1) Romans

a) 1,20: Gods eternal power expressed through material means.

b) 5,12: Doctrine of original sin

c) 6,12: Sin requires action, personal effort.

d) 6,14: We are under grace, not the law.

e) 6,23: Wages of sin is death

i) Death because of Adam

f) 7,7: We couldn’t know what sin is unless we saw the law.

i) Sin cannot be overcome by mere proclamation

g) 8,20: Creation is futile but hope is through God.

h) 8,22: Creation is still happening.

i) See I heard an awesome sermon today...

i) 8,26: We don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us

j) 8,27: Spirit intercedes for the saints.

i) Needs some further analysis to show intent.

ii) Why the use of saints?

k) 8,36-39: God’s love helps us conquer all spiritual obstacles.

l) 9,32: Justice comes from faith, not works.

i) In reference to the strict Jewish observance of the law

m) 10,14: There is a need for someone to preach the word.

i) Need to believe to call upon Him.

n) 10,15: How can men preach unless they’ve been sent?

i) Possible reference to God sending apostles?

o) 11,15-29: Chris (Bible study instructor) spoke of this in class about Gentiles coming back into the fold.

p) 12,1-2: Hold not fast to the ideas of the world.

i) Reflected in 1 John 4

q) 12,3: Be humble

r) 14,22-23: Interesting use of food to examine spiritual life.

2) 1 Corinthians

a) 1,10: Let there be no disunion

i) Body of Christ as one

ii) Discernment

iii) Catholicism

b) 1,12-13: Christ is not divided.

c) 1,16: Household baptized

i) Possibly infants as well?

d) 1,25: The least of God’s power and wisdom is still greater than man’s.

e) 2,13-16: To the worldly man, Scripture makes no sense.

f) 3,2: Spiritual life is a progression in faith

g) 3, 3-4: Against divisions in the Body of Christ

h) 3,11: No one can lay a foundation on anyone else other than Jesus Christ.

i) 3,12-13: I someone builds on this foundation with anything except Jesus Christ, the work of each will be made clear by Day

j) 3,16-17: You are a temple of God.

k) 3,18-19: Worldly ways are an absurdity to God.

l) 4,15- 10,000 guardians in Christ?

i) Saints? Angels? Body of Christ

m) 4,19-20: “… find out not what they say, but what they can do.” “The kingdom of God does not consist in talk, but in action.

n) 4,16: We should imitate Paul.

o) 4,17: Leaving behind a guy to remind people of Christ’s ways, just as taught in ALL churches.

p) 5,12: Judge not outsiders, for God will handle them

q) 6,13: Just because the body is not foever does not mean that it is OK to defile it in an immoral fashion.

i) God will do away with the bod in the end.

r) 6,16: Sex makes two people become one flesh

i) Reflected in OT as well.

s) 7,11: No divorce.

t) 7, 12-16: Unbeliever/believer union is OK as long as it is peaceable.

i) If unbeliever wants to leave, believer is not bound to the code.

u) 7,29: It is good to be single

v) 7,32: Support for priestly celibacy.

w) 10,32: God sends us all tests, but none of them are beyond our capacity.

x) 10,16: Eucharist and blessing.

i) Refutation of Consubstantiation?

y) 11,2: What are these traditions?

z) 11,23: Received from God, handed on to you.

i) Oral tradition

aa) 11, 23-25: Lines of the Consecration.

i) The Eucharist is a proclamation of the death of Jesus in atonement for sin.

bb) 12,9: Through the Spirit, one is given faith

cc) 12,12-26: There is no single person of Christ, we are all in one Body. No one can dissent!

dd) 13,2: Refutes Luther’s claim of “sola fide” and not needing love at all.

ee) 13,4: “Love” here is actually agape love. See definition in Bible Study 7-14-08

ff) 13,8: Love never fails.

gg) 13,13: Love endures all and outlasts hope and faith.

i) When we die, faith and hope are no longer needed.

hh) 15,5: This phrase shows the primacy of Peter.

i) Notice how he is named by himself and then “the Twelve” is later.

ii) 15,22: Through Adam all die, but in Christ all live.

jj) 15,49: Could this phrase refer to the fact that when we die, we will all be the age of Jesus at the Crucifixion? (33yrs old)

kk) 15,50: Flesh and blood cannot inherit heaven.

3) 2 Corinthians

a) 4,11: We are dying as we are living so we can be delivered to heaven.

b) 6,14: Oh, the famous “unequally yoked” Bible quote!

i) Gotta love when Fundamentalist/Evangelical folk throw this one on the Catholics and say you’re not Christian.

c) 11, 1-5: Speaks of men preaching another theological sin other than that was handed down and leading people astray

i) Can we say “Protestantism?”

4) Galatians

a) 1,11: Gospel is said not to be a human invention

b) 2,9: Cephas, James and John the “pillars” of the church.

c) 2, 11-14: Used by Protestants in a highly incorrect way to dispute papal infallibility.

d) 2,16: Following the Mosaic law does not make one justified.

e) 3,27: Baptism not just a meaningless external sign

f) 3,23-29: Purpose of Mosaic law was to keep one in check until the purpose of faith (the Crucifixion/Resurrection) could be revealed.

i) Since Jesus Christ redeemed us in faith, then the law no longer has hold.

g) 4,16: Great quote, I love it!

h) 5,4: Following the Mosaic law makes one fall out of favor with God.

i) 5,13: Just because faith justifies does not men that one can be irresponsible with the flesh, the temple of the Holy Spirit.

j) 5,17: Spirit and flesh are at odds with one another. This is wh one does in flesh what one knows is not good in Spirit.

k) 6, 6-10: Seed parable again.

5) Ephesians

a) 1,10: Bring the world into ONE under Christ’s headship.

b) 2,20: “You form a building which rises on the foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone”

c) 2,22: The people as a Body are brought together to become “a dwelling place for God in the Spirit”

d) 4,3: Plead to preserve church unity?

e) 4,4: There is One body, One bpirit, just as there is but one hope given all of you by your call

f) 4,11-13: teaching authority established.

i) Why the use of “pastor” instead of “priest”?

g) 4,14: Proof against Protestantism.

h) 5,22-32: Basis for sacrament of marriage?

i) 6,18: Use prayer of all sorts.

i) No real limitations set…

6) Phillippians

a) 1,15: Some preach from envy and rivalry?

b) 2, 1-4: unanimity is important. Being One with one another it critical.

c) 3,6: Shows his (Paul’s) zealousness in the law and how he thought he was justified.

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